Category: Past Issues

Grant writer
hired by board
PUTNAM ---  Members of the Interfaith Human Services of Putnam (IHSP) board welcomed Rachael Arcand recently.
Arcand has joined the IHSP board to serve as a grant writer for the non-profit, all volunteer organization.
Rachael Arcand is a Putnam resident, educated at Putnam High School, Quinebaug Valley Community College and Stellenbosch University in South Africa, with a background in political science/sociology and an interest in community service.
“Growing up in Putnam allowed me to experience a warm community environment, which I have always been passionate about maintaining,” wrote Arcand in a recent email.
Arcand worked with board president Shawn Johnston as an intern at the State Capitol in 2008 and currently serves as a case manager at a local behavioral health center.
Arcand has gotten to work right away. With the help of Ann Kathi Peterson, Secretary, Community Resource/Volunteer Coordinator, work has already begun on multiple new grant opportunities.
“I am hoping to help IHSP in obtaining monies that allow us to better serve the community,” Arcand said. “We most recently submitted a grant to Walmart, which we would use to help grow the ‘frozen veggie’ program.”
IHSP’s new grant writer also wrote, “I am excited to become a part of IHSP in hopes to continue to support those in need.”