Category: Past Issues

Relay For Life team captain 'resolutions'
“The need for New Year resolutions are special for Team Captains of Relay For Life of Northeastern Connecticut.  They resolve to participate in the Relay For Life which is recognized nationally as a leader of Relay For Life.   They also resolve to attend Team Captain meetings from January to May.  Their first opportunity to keep their resolution is Jan. 16. Team Captain meetings are held at Woodstock Academy Holt Building in the cafeteria.
Team Captain meeting are not only for Team Captains but for Co-Captains and interested team members.  Also, if anyone is considering becoming involved, either by joining an existing team or starting a new team, this meeting is for them.  Information for starting a team is available both in paper and personal form.  Pick up forms and printed information or speak to the many committee members in attendance.  Relay For Life is the largest single fund raising organization in the world, part of The American Cancer Society and devoted to finding a cure but not limited to research.  Funding is used for more than one dozen programs.  Come to the meeting on January 16th to learn how you can be part of this wonderful program and meet many wonderful people dedicated to fighting cancer and finding a cure.  The 2013 national theme for Relay For Life is: Dream Big, Hope Big, Relay Big.”