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By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM — Changes are in the offing for the local Walmart.
If you’ve been to the Brooklyn Walmart lately, you already know just how Putnam’s changes will look.
According to the paperwork, the existing square footage is 144,750. The remodeled square footage is 53,053 and an addition is 2,299 square feet. That will make the total finished square footage 147,049.
The building permit value is $5.1 million. The permit value for the signage is between $70,000 and $80,000.
In plans submitted to the town, the most significant part of the project will be the 2,299-square-foot addition on the north side of the building (Rt. 44 side). It will be constructed starting from about halfway back on the side of the original building and run to the back corner.
The space is for pickup of to go and online purchases. Currently there are numerous parking spots delineated near the pharmacy end for this. The north parking lot will be reworked for this service.
Post-COVID, retailers are aware this pickup service is here to stay.
In the front of the store, self-checkout will be taking a huge step up. Plans show eight “regular” registers. The rest are self-checkout.
The Pharmacy & Vision Center will be revamped. The bakery and deli spaces will be tweaked. 
Changes listed on the paperwork: Move location of dressing rooms; move location of electronics desk and add digital display boards; repair and replace floor finishes; demolish and replace exterior sidewalks and pavement; sign installation and replacing exterior signs; add mother’s room in rear of store; refurbish restrooms/Family restroom, remodel Customer Service and add digital displays; relocate photo lab; online pickup moves to new addition; cleaning, new paint and finishes everywhere. In grocery — remodel, remove refrigerated cases and equipment, add refrigerated cases, equipment, digital displays.
Currently the plans are before the Inland Wetlands Commission as the proposed work is within 200 feet of the wetlands on the south side of the store.
