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Library grants
JEWETT CITY — The Jewett City Savings Bank Foundation, announced the granting of $12,300 to a local library and youth services organizations. Including: $2,000 apiece to two youth services organizations — Hale YMCA Youth & Family Center in Putnam to assist in funding the Race4Chase youth triathlon program and Northeast Opportunities for Wellness, Inc. in Putnam to fund the Strong Like a Girl Empowerment Group; two $1,000 grants and a grant of $1,800 for the purchase of a Demco Cover One book repair machine; $2,500 to United Services, Inc. of Dayville to fund classes on human trafficking in local schools;. And $1,000 to the Griswold Middle School PTO to  help finish a playground; $1,000 to the Girl Scouts of Connecticut, Inc., for financial assistance for registration fees and program support to girls in eastern Connecticut.
