Day pg 3 8-19-10

PUTNAM --- Day Kimball Healthcare announces that effective Sept. 1, smoking will not be permitted anywhere on Day Kimball properties including buildings, grounds, parking areas or inside vehicles that are parked at Day Kimball. The policy applies to all patients, visitors, medical staff, vendors and employees.
A natural fit with Day Kimball’s mission to meet the health needs of northeast Connecticut, implementing this policy helps to protect patients, visitors and employees from second-hand smoke and encourages healthy lifestyles.
“We recognize that becoming a smoke-free organization may be challenging for some individuals. However, as leaders in healthcare and an organization committed to health and wellness, we feel it is extremely important for our community,” said Robert E. Smanik, president and CEO.
Day Kimball offers a variety of support for those who wish to quit smoking.
This includes the Quit Smoking Group, which regularly schedules 6-week sessions in both afternoons and evenings, as well as a variety of educational materials and programs to assist employees and the community in their efforts to quit. In addition, upon admission to Day Kimball Hospital, smoking cessation information is provided to patients. More information is available by calling Day Kimball’s Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Center at (860) 963-6315.
Day Kimball joins the majority of Connecticut healthcare organizations with implementing a smoke-free campus policy and reflects the national trend to provide healthier smoke-free healthcare environments. Day Kimball’s outdoor areas currently designated for smoking will become bus stops only or will be closed completely.

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