Play pg 11 9-16-10

Play croquet
POMFRET --- A Celebrity Croquet game will be held Sept. 25 during Positively Pomfret Day to benefit The Pomfret Food Pantry.  Come and play against First Selectman Jim Rivers, selectman Tony Emilio, finance board Chairman John DiIorio, Board of Education Chairman Richard Schad, and probate judge Leah Schad.
The matches will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the baseball field in the park on Rt. 97.  Take the challenge and play one of your favorite public officials in a game of six-wicket croquet.  The last person or team to stake out makes a $25 contribution to the Pomfret Food Pantry.  Sign up at the Town Hall, or Senior Center.

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