Piles pg 7 12-20-12


Piles of PJs
Citizens National Bank President and CEO David L. Conrad stands in his pj's along with Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and bank mascot Clicker with the piles of pajamas donated for children in need. Linda Lemmon photo.

PUTNAM --- For the third year, children in need in northeastern Connecticut will be feel warm and cuddly, thanks to the generosity of residents who donated to the Citizens National Bank pajama and slipper program.
David L. Conrad, president and CEO, said this is the third year the bank's branches have collected pajamas and slippers for needy children. Last year the bank collected sweaters.
"This year the collection far exceeded prior years" collections, Conrad said. Although the money donations were down a bit, Conrad said the pj donations at all the bank's branches was "very good."
The pajamas and slippers will be given to all the schools covered by the bank's branches, including the parochial schools.
Collections ended Dec. 15 and the donations were counted.
Six hundred fifty five pajamas were collected and 94 pairs of slippers. The more than $650 in cash donations was used to bring the total of pajamas to the 655 figure.
Winners of the $250 heating vouchers include: Lisa French, Joe Kuhn, Stu Neal and Bob Romprey.
Each Citizens National Bank branch will make the donations to the schools covered by that branch.

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