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Good Deeds
The Putnam Elks Lodge 574 at Christmastime. Photo courtesy of  Lisa Morissette.

PUTNAM — The Putnam Elks Lodge #574 recently provided 93 families (390 people) with a Christmas meal that included, turkey, side dishes, vegetables, fruit, dessert and more.
All of this was made possible through member donations and a $1,000 Beacon Grant by Elks National Foundation, used to augment member donations to the lodge’s Christmas Charities Fund. In total, approximately $8,500 in contributions were collected to make this year’s effort possible.
This, along with the dedication of members who were able to provide Santa with 82 gifts for local children at the annual Children’s Christmas Party, demonstrates true commitment to the spirit of “Elks Care - Elks Share.”
Christmas Charities co-chairs are Past Exalted Rulers (PERs) Tom Campbell and Mike Vandi, and to PER Chic Giovanni.
The bartenders donated their tips to Interfaith Human Services of Putnam - Daily Bread.

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