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Special to the Putnam Town Crier
On the 15th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. the Mayotte-Viens American Legion Post #13 and the Town of Putnam are preparing for a remembrance program Sept. 11.
The idea for the remembrance program was initiated by American Legion Commander Ronald P. Coderre and was embraced by Putnam Mayor Tony Falzarano and Town Manager Douglas Cutler.  The program, which will be held at the Putnam Middle School Auditorium, is scheduled to begin at 2 p.m.  The free program is open to the public.
“As soon as we heard of the idea we felt that this was a program we had to support.  September 11 is a day that Americans should never forget.  Once again the community of Putnam is stepping out as a leader,” said Mayor Falzarano.
Coderre and Cutler have been working together assembling a program that will symbolize the true meaning of September 11.
“Everyone we’ve contacted for assistance or participation has stepped forward with a willingness to help in whatever way possible.  We feel that people will proud to be Americans when they leave the program.  We don’t want people to forget and they have a grateful appreciation for those who lost their lives on that fateful day,” said Cutler.
The featured speaker of the day will be Putnam native Dee (Coderre) Carnahan who was working for the Department of the Navy in the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.  Her office was in the proximity of the plane crash and she knew many of the 189 people who lost their lives when the plane struck the Pentagon.
The program will open with the presentation of the colors by the Post #13 color guard, followed by an invocation from The Rev. Jonathan Scott, chaplain at Day Kimball Hospital.  U.S. Air Force veteran Maurice Coderre will perform the National Anthem.
In addition to greetings from the Town of Putnam and the American Legion, Sen. Mae Flexer and State Representative Daniel S. Rovero are expected to be on hand.  Following the words of remembrance by Mrs. Carnahan, noted Putnam soloist Linda Colangelo will perform “God Bless the USA.”
The program will conclude with a benediction by the Rev. Thomas Meyer of the Congregational Church of Putnam and the retirement of the colors.
“The veterans of Post #13 felt very strongly about this program from the moment it was presented to them.  September 11 much like Pearl Harbor and the Alamo are events that Americans should not forget,” said Commander Coderre.  “This is our way of maintaining a spirit of patriotism in our community.  We’re very thankful for the support of the town.