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Legal Notice
Pomfret Street
Cemetery Board
Notice of
Annual Meeting
October 6, 2016
The Pomfret Street Cemetery Board will be holding its Annual Meeting on Thursday, October 6, 2016, at 5:00 PM at the Pomfret Town Clerk’s Office, Pomfret Town Hall, Five Haven Road, Pomfret, CT 06259.  The purpose of the Pomfret Street Cemetery Board is to oversee the care and maintenance of the Pomfret Street Cemetery off Route 44, also known as Putnam Road.  The meeting is open to the public.  All interested parties are welcome to attend.    
Dated at Pomfret, 
this 22nd day 
of September, 2016
Cheryl A. Grist, 
Nora V. Johnson, 
Vice Chairman
Staci A. Hattin, Secretary
Marjorie C. Holzer, Treasurer
Sept. 29, 2016
Legal Notice
Invitation to Bid
Storage Tank 
Pomfret Community 
Sealed bids for the installation of an Above-Ground Storage Tank at the Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT, are to be addressed to the Town of Pomfret , Office of the First Selectman, Pomfret Town Hall, Five Haven Road, Pomfret Center, CT 06259. The bids are to be received at the Office of the First Selectman no later than 12:00 p.m. local time on Monday, October 17, 2016, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids received later than that date and time will not be considered and will be returned unopened.  Amendments to or withdrawals of bids received later than that date and time will not be considered.
In lieu of a pre-bid conference, should any prospective bidder desire clarification or interpretation of any item in the invitation to bid or bid specifications, he/she should request such in writing from the Office of the Superintendent on or before October 7, 2016.  The question asked and the answer shall be in writing and shall be sent or given to all known bidders.  The Board of Education shall not be responsible for any alleged oral instructions or contract interpretations given to the bidder.
Site reviews are available by contacting Gary Brock, Director of Facilities, at the Pomfret Community School at 860-928-2718. No Bidder may withdraw his/her bid for a period of forty-five (45) days after the actual date of Bid opening. 
Copies of the Drawings and Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the First Selectman,  Pomfret Town Hall, Five Haven Road, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 or on-line at
Each bidder shall submit one (1) copy of its bid response in a sealed envelope and plainly marked “Proposal Pomfret Community School – Above Ground Storage Tank Installation.” No bid will be accepted as valid unless submitted on official bid forms, as included in the bid specifications provided to all bidders and properly and completely executed.  
The submission of the bid shall serve as conclusive evidence that the bidder has satisfied himself/herself as to all requirements outlined in the bid specifications and documents and to all conditions serving to control the execution of any contract that may ensue.
The Town of Pomfret reserves the right to waive all formalities or to reject any or all proposals. The Town of Pomfret reserves the right to determine the lowest responsible bidder who not only has the lowest bid which conforms with the specifications, but also is financially able and competent to complete the work as evidenced by prior performance in the best interest of the Town.
Dated at Pomfret, Connecticut
This 29th day of September, 2016
Craig W. Baldwin,
First Selectman
Sept. 29, 2016
Legal Notice
Town of Putnam 
The October 2016 billing of water and / or sewer collections for the Town of Putnam WPCA is due and payable on November 1, 2016.
Payments made after November 1, 2016 will be subject to an Interest charge of 3% (1.5% per month) or $2.00 minimum whichever is higher, according to Connecticut State Statute SEC. 12-146.
       Mail must be postmarked no later than November 1, 2016, to avoid interest charges. 
Monday through Wednesday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  Friday 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM
We will be closed on Monday, October 10, 2016 for Columbus Day.
Sept. 29, 2016
Oct. 20, 2016
Oct. 27, 2016