PUTNAM, --- Everyone is invited to join the Knights of Columbus at a special Our Lady of Guadalupe ‘Silver Rose’ Rosary and Devotions for Life from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 13 at the Putnam Deanery Perpetual Adoration Chapel, in the parish center behind St. Mary Church of the Visitation.
There will be time allowed for devotions and the Rosary throughout the day, so more people can attend.
Since 1960, Knights of Columbus throughout North America have brought silver roses on annual pilgrimages, to celebrate the Culture of Life and to show respect and support for all people, from conception to natural death. The event will be hosted by Cargill Council 64, Knights of Columbus, of Putnam. For information, please call Council 64 Brother Knight John Ryan, at (860) 928-7241.