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Putnam resident Marcy Dawley received a Rotary District Paul Harris award recently. Marcy Dawley, second from left, sits next to her husband Bob White, left. Left to right next to Dawley is Putnam Rotary Club President  Marc Archambault, District Grants Committee Chair and Putnam Rotarian Pam Brown, George Brown and Paul Pikora. Courtesy photo.
PUTNAM — Nominated by the Putnam Rotary Club, Putnam resident Marcy Dawley recently received the Rotary District 7890 Paul Harris Fellow award. In his introduction Putnam Rotarian Paul Pikora said Dawley, a project administrator and lead ranger for The Last Green Valley, “is a ubiquitous presence in the community, and can be seen at virtually all community events.  She is a tireless volunteer, the quintessential volunteer, with an infectious enthusiasm and an effervescent presence.” 
He added Dawley’s manager said she is an “amazing addition to the team,” a “Putnam-maniac,” one who takes an incredible amount of pride in her community.”
He said Dawley takes part in regular “Beautification Days” in town, walking along heavily traveled Providence Street in Putnam and picking up what others have discarded, dressed in hilarious costume while handing out candy to excited children during the town’s annual “Trick or Treat” night, donating her time and garden vegetables to the local food bank, organizing awareness events such as Cancer Walks, and/or simply always looking for ways to improve the quality of life for both the community and its residents. He said she’s been described as an inspirational and positive influence in the student community.
Pikora noted that Dawley personifies the Rotary motto of “Service Above Self.”