Legal Notice
Putnam Special Services District
Special District Meeting
NOVEMBER 16, 2016
The Electors and Citizens qualified to vote in District Meeting of the Town of Putnam Special Services District, are hereby notified and warned that a Special Meeting of said District will be held at the Putnam Middle School Auditorium, 35 Wicker Street, Putnam, Connecticut, on the 16th Day of November, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. in the evening for the following purposes:
1. To choose a Moderator.
2. To consider a presentation and obtain information from representatives of Tanko Lighting relating to a possible turn-key street lighting conversion project.
3. To consider and act upon the following resolution:
Resolve that the District Authority Board is hereby authorized to enter into preliminary
Discussion relative to a turn-key street lighting conversion project and to enter into an
Agreement with Tanko Lighting for an energy efficiency audit relative to the District’s
Street lighting expenses and requirements. Further authorizing the Putnam’s Special
Services District Board if it deems it appropriate to return to the Special Services District
Meeting with a proposal for a street lighting conversion plan which would fully detail
The expenses and cost savings of such a proposal.
Dated at Putnam,
this 3rd Day of
November, 2016
Raymond P LaJoie,
Kathleen Zamagni
Gerard J Cotnoir
Gloria Marion,
James (Doug) Taylor
Lucille Herrick,
District Clerk
Nov. 10, 2016