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Legal Notice
Town of Pomfret
Planning and Zoning 
At the November 16, 2016 Meeting of the Pomfret Planning & Zoning Commission, the following applications were acted upon: 
1. Weston & Sampson for the Town of Pomfret, 5 Haven Road, application for text amendment for sewer project pump station at Loos & Co., Inc.; APPROVED.
2. Jean Patton, 106/108 Cooney Road, special permit application for the installation of a 32’x32’ 2-story garage; APPROVED.
3. Lance Sistare for Big Boys Toys, 341 Orchard Hill Road, special permit application for a 22’x86’ addition for proposed breakroom and parts storage; APPROVED.
4. Scott Lee, 13 Old Route 44, application for a home occupation permit that allows the use of a Federal Firearms License; APPROVED with conditions. 
Dated at Pomfret, 
November 23, 2016
Lynn L. Krajewski, 
Planning & 
Zoning Commission
Nov. 30, 2016