The Putnam Rotary Club collected games for kids for the holidays. Left to right: Marc Archambault, Rotary president; Rotarian Rachael Johnston; Patty Bryant Beausoleil of the Putnam Family Resource Center; Nicolle Hill and Jenn Strong of TEEG. Linda Lemmon photo.
Games & more
collected for kids
PUTNAM --- The Putnam Rotary Club recently donated games and books to two local nonprofit organizations and children will have a much nicer holiday because of it.
Rachael Johnston, who headed the committee, said Rotarians brought in 62 games for kids. The committee already had 200 books.
The Putnam Family Resource Center, based in Putnam schools, received some of the gifts. Patty Bryant Beausoleil from the center told Rotarians when she started 17 years ago there were families who didn't have coats, food or gifts. The need was great. She said last year the center served 170 families and 180 kids.
TEEG was the second recipient of the club's collection efforts. Jenn Strong and Nicolle Hill of TEEG told Rotarians that the group is trying to meet the needs of 250 families this year.