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New, used shoes needed
WILLIMANTIC — Access Community Action Agency is conducting a shoe collection drive now through Jan. 27 to raise funds for Access programs that help support individuals and families in Windham and Tolland counties. onations of gently worn, used and new shoes will be accepted should be dropped off at the drop boxes at both Access offices:  1315 Main St., Willimantic, and 231 Broad St., Danielson.  Shoes can be dropped off during normal hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 
All donated shoes will be redistributed to microenterprise partners through Funds2Orgs, a for profit social enterprise, and used in developing nations for impoverished people to start their own businesses. Access will earn funds based on the number of pairs collected as Funds2Orgs will purchase all of the donated goods.  Those dollars will benefit programs that help support individuals and families in Windham and Tolland Counties. 
All donated shoes will then be redistributed throughout the Funds2Orgs network of microenterprise partners in developing nations.  Funds2Orgs helps impoverished people start, maintain and grow businesses in countries such as Haiti, Honduras and other nations in Central America and Africa. Proceeds from the shoe sales are used to feed, clothe and house their families. 
“We are excited about our shoe drive,” said Kathleen Krider, Community Engagement senior director. “We know that most people have extra shoes in their closets and donating them to Access will help those less fortunate become self-sufficient as well as clean out a closet.  It’s a win-win for everyone,” added Elisha Sherman, Communications and Development coordinator.
In the US alone, over 600 million pairs of shoes are thrown away per year. The materials used to manufacture a pair of shoes are created from chemical compounds that will create health hazards if left to disintegrate openly or in landfills. By donating gently worn, used and new shoes to the Access Shoe Drive, your shoes are given a second chance to make a difference.