Access sets
job training
WILLIMANTIC — A reminder from Access Community Action Agency in Willimantic that applications to the first training session of Access to Employment are still being accepted. Access to Employment, which launched this past fall, will begin its first training session this month, with an orientation to be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Jan. 18 at its Willimantic office.
Access to Employment is a program designed to help under and unemployed individuals living in the Willimantic area develop the skills to gain successful, stable employment. The program is not a job placement service but will provide training and ongoing meetings with a mentor that enhance participants’ employability and provide support for when they enter the job market.
The training program includes three facets: computer literacy, financial literacy, and UConn’s People Empowering People (PEP) training. Participants will meet for two sessions each week for 2 hours each session. The financial literacy training will provide participants with technical skills and a behavioral framework through which to improve their financial well-being for the long-term. Computer literacy trainings will focus on navigating the internet, using Microsoft, and other skills that are useful in a job setting. UConn’s People Empowering People training is designed to build on the unique strengths and life experiences of the participants and emphasizes the connection between individual and community action.
The second component to Access to Employment is a mentor placement program. The integration of a long-term, personal relationship with a mentor is important to reiterating training goals and providing support for program participants after training completion. Access Agency has partnered with Windham Area Interfaith Ministry’s Partners in Independence Program (PIP) to provide each Access to Employment participant with a mentor for a year following their completion of the training program.
Those interested in participating or with questions about the program are encouraged to fill out an application, available online at or contact Katherine Bottieri at 860-450-7400 ext. 7442 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Applications will be accepted until the date of the first orientation session.