to start work
Feb. 27
PUTNAM --- Putnam's second town administrator will begin her job on Feb. 27, according to Mayor Tony Falzarano.
Mary Calorio, Killingly's finance director, was the unanimous choice of the interviewing committee. She was hired last week.
She is Putnam's second town administrator, following Douglas Cutler who died suddenly last October. He was the town administrator for 17 years.
Falzarano said that Calorio came with stellar recommendations from town attorney William St. Onge and Killingly Town Manager Sean Hendricks. Calorio was finance director for seven years and has served as acting town manager in Hendricks' absence. St. Onge is the town attorney for Putnam and for Killingly.
Her initial salary will be $115,000, Falzarano said. The town intends to review her in six months and is expected to pump up the pay every six months until the salary is comparable the salary for small community town administrators in the state.
The unbelievable workload Cutler handled was divided among several top officials in Putnam when Cutler died in October. Calorio will have to come up to speed on several issues including the Cargill Falls project and a land swap that will allow a new town hall to be built on the Owen Tarr Sports Complex property.