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4-H Officers
The Windham County 4-H Foundation officers include, left to right: Sandra Ahola, Patty Daly, John Dinsdale, Carol Hagen, Jane Rider. Courtesy photo.
POMFRET — At the 63rd annual meeting of the Windham County 4-H Foundation two board members received the prestigious Founder’s Spirit Award for their volunteer service.  This award was established in 2014 to honor exemplary Foundation volunteers who have gone “above and beyond” in their support of the Foundation’s mission.  
Mary Seguine has served on the board for 40 years, an amazing feat in itself.  She is currently chair of the maintenance and rental committees, and was responsible for bringing in a record number of rentals during the off-season last year which is key to keeping the Foundation fiscally healthy.  Mary has donated an incredible number of hours each and every year helping to keep the grounds and buildings in shape.  “Mary’s Kitchen” is a major feature of our annual fund-raising auction.  
Deb Halbach was recognized for her work in helping to create and maintain the perennial gardens that surround our newly renovated lodge for the past two years.   Deb took that same professional ascetic to her leadership role as the tag sale chairperson last year which she has agreed to do again in 2017.  Deb is always doing just “one more thing” to improve the look outside and inside the lodge.  Deb has served on the board for just three years.    The fact that she received this award speaks to  how much of a contribution she has made to the Foundation in such a short period of time.  Stay tuned to see what next year’s tag sale will bring under her capable leadership.  
A slide show presentation by youth program director, Heather Logee, featured the happy faces of what was a record number of campers attending the camp program last summer.  Camp opens this year on June 25 and runs through Aug. 18.  A two-day Family camp Aug. 18 and 19 will cap off the season where whole families can enjoy the camp experience together, whether they have ever attended camp or not.  For more information about camp and special early bird sign up savings, please visit the website at 
Officers elected for the upcoming year will be President:  Jane Rider, Vice-President:  John Dinsdale, Recording Secretary:  Carol Hagen, Corresponding Secretary:  Patty Daly, Treasurer:  Sandra Ahola.  Officers and board members are already hard at work planning for the annual fund-raising auction and tag sale scheduled for May 5 & 6th this year.