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Exploring partnerships
The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) is hard at work producing another all-new, comprehensive adventure and recreation guide to our National Heritage Corridor. Explore! Outdoor, Indoor & Around Town Adventures in The Last Green Valley will feature even more places to hike, bike, paddle, swim, shop, tickle your taste buds, rest for the night, dally in a museum, enjoy farms open to the public, and engage in every other sort of adventure imaginable. Businesses and nonprofit organizations should contact TLGV now in order to be listed in the 2017 edition. ontact The Last Green Valley at 860-774-3300 for all the details or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for answers to your questions. 
Partnerships with TLGV include a listing in the printed Explore! Guide, a listing in the online directory, tireless promotion through social media, and the opportunity to host or lead a Walktober and/or Spring Outdoors adventure. Partnerships are a must for land trusts, historical societies, farms, restaurants, vineyards, accommodations, nonprofits, campgrounds, theaters, leisure activities, local shops and service businesses.