Ready for Baking
Troop 21 Scouts pose for the camera, before putting the foil-wrapped potatoes in the oven for the Fifth Annual Troop 21 Baked Potato Buffet, held at St. Mary Church of the Visitation, in Putnam. The event netted the troop over 300 dollars. Shown here (left to right) is Scout Damien-Michael Jacques, Senior Patrol Leader Richard L. LaBonte, Jr., and Scout Nathan Olson. Photo by John D. Ryan
PUTNAM — Try this recipe: Take 100 pounds of potatoes, bake for an hour, add some special home-made Creole and French chilli and a few other toppings – and you send a Boy Scout to summer camp.
It’s not magic; Troop 21 in Putnam recently did just that, when Scouts held their Fifth Annual Troop 21 Baked Potato Buffet raising more than $300. Scoutmaster Peter A. Lombardo said the Scouts need the money.
“Troop 21 never turns any boy away for financial reasons,” said Lombardo, a Putnam resident. “This money will help us to buy needed camping equipment and send our boys to summer camp.”
“Right now, Troop 21 needs more Scouts,” Lombardo said. “We have an active, fun program here in Putnam. We do the kinds of things that many boys wouldn’t be able to do otherwise. We help our young men to develop character and leadership and have fun doing it. We’re looking for boys and their parents to come and join us. We’d be happy to have you.”