PUTNAM — The American Legion Post #13 of Putnam is planning a project to honor living WWII veterans along with leaders, parents and students involved in the Putnam After School Services (PASS).
Post #13, under the leadership of Commander Ronald P. Coderre, Past Commander Norman “Barney” Seney and Sons of American Legion Squadron Commander Arthur “Buster” Corey, is planning a program that will feature the photos and names of WWII vets on banners that will be downtown. A committee of Post #13 veterans along with Putnam Recreation Director Willie Bousquet is moving the project forward.
When Sue Allard, director of the PASS program, and her assistant Colleen Dicolella heard about the banners they responded immediately, saying the group would like to assist with raising funds to offset the cost of the banners. The estimated cost for the banners is $3,000.
A fund-raiser Chicken Parmesan Dinner will be held from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. March 4 at the VFW. Tickets are limited to the first 300 diners. Tickets are $10. For tickets call 860-771-1834 or 860-928-6772 or go to WINY Radio.
The Banner Project will feature colorful 30” x 60” banners with the photo and name of each honored veteran proclaiming them as “Hometown Heroes.” The committee is planning to display approximately 30 banners around Putnam. The cost of each banner is $80, with the hardware and labor provided by the Putnam Recreation Department.
The “Hometown Heroes” will be on display from Labor Day until shortly after Veterans Day. The Banner Project is being planned as an annual event by Post #13. In May of 2016 Post #13 was responsible for decorating the Veterans Memorial Bridge on Pomfret Street with flags.
Allard said: “The PASS program and the students have always had a special interest in programs related to veterans. When we heard of this project we felt that this would be a way of demonstrating our appreciation for those individuals who served in the military during WWII.”