WILLIMANTIC — The following full-time local students were named to the Eastern Connecticut State University were named to the dean’s list for the fall 2016 semester:
Cory Anderson ’17 of Danielson, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Anderson’s major is Social Work.
Roman Andreychenko ’17 of Putnam, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Andreychenko’s major is Accounting.
Evan Backus ’17 of Pomfret Center, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Backus’s major is Business Administration.
Jesse Bober ’17 of Woodstock, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Bober’s major is Psychology.
Patrick Brown ’18 of Putnam, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Brown’s major is Computer Science.
Gregory Carlson ’20 of Pascoag, RI, was named to the Dean’s List. Carlson’s major is Biology.
Brittany Chabot ’17 of Dayville, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Chabot’s major is Psychology.
Panagiotis Chrisovechotis ’17 of Dayville, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Chrisovechotis’s major is Business Administration.
Elizabeth Coty ’18 of Thompson, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Coty’s major is Business Administration.
Paul Doherty ’18 of Danielson, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Doherty’s major is Business Information Systems.
Richard Duff ’18 of Danielson, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Duff’s major is New Media Studies.
Kimberly Fafard ’17 of North Grosvenordale, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Fafard’s major is Business Information Systems.
Kaitlin Fafard ’20 of Putnam, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Fafard’s major is Pre-Early Childhood Education and Psychology.
Ryan Fagan ’17 of Putnam, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Fagan’s major is Sport & Leisure Management.
Shannon Fagan ’20 of Putnam, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Fagan’s major is Business Administration.
Emma Folsom ’17 of Pomfret Center, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Folsom’s major is Women’s and Gender Studies.
Jeffrey Fontaine ’18 of Dayville, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Fontaine’s major is Pre-Secondary Education Certification and Environmental Earth Science.
Jessica Forst ’17 of Pomfret Center, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Forst’s major is English and Sociology.
Samantha Forst ’17 of Pomfret Center, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Forst’s major is Sociology.
Jourdan Fulchino ’20 of Pomfret Center, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Fulchino’s major is Pre-Elementary Education and Liberal Studies.
Sean Gilmartin ’16 of Eastford, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Gilmartin’s major is English and Mathematics.
Jacob Guertin ’19 of Putnam, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Guertin’s major is Business Administration.
Annastasia Harris ’17 of Eastford, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Harris’s major is Business Administration.
Sean Haythe ’17 of Danielson, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Haythe’s major is Finance.
Samantha Hayward ’17 of Pomfret Center, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Hayward’s major is Early Childhood Education and Spanish.
Ayla Heald ’18 of Pomfret Center, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Heald’s major is Communication.
Sadie Hewes ’17 of Pomfret Center, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Hewes’s major is History and Communication.
Jennine Hohler ’17 of Dayville, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Hohler’s major is Pre-Secondary Education Certification and English.
Medina Hosaini ’17 of Dayville, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Hosaini’s major is Biology.
Kelly Huhtanen ’17 of Pomfret Center, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Huhtanen’s major is Elementary Education and English.
Kelsie Iturrino ’19 of Danielson, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Iturrino’s major is English.
Emily John ’17 of Woodstock Valley, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. John’s major is Theatre.
Tracy Johns ’17 of Woodstock, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Johns’s major is Social Work.
Robert Johnson ’20 of Eastford, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Johnson’s major is Political Science.
Jamie Kristal ’19 of Pomfret Center, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Kristal’s major is Labor Relations/Human Resource Management.
Alissa Morrison ’17 of Danielson, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Morrison’s major is Elementary Education and Liberal Studies.
Jenna Mossey ’17 of Danielson, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Mossey’s major is Health Sciences.
Elizabeth Myers ’18 of Killingly, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Myers’s major is Social Work.
Elizabeth Navarro ’18 of Woodstock, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Navarro’s major is Psychology.
Courtney Olivo ’19 of Danielson, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Olivo’s major is Business Administration.
Haylee Olson ’19 of Thompson, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Olson’s major is Social Work.
Jacquelyn Orlowski ’18 of Woodstock, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Orlowski’s major is Pre-Elementary Education and Liberal Studies.
James Pavoni ’17 of North Grosvenordale, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Pavoni’s major is Sport & Leisure Management.
Jessica Perreault ’18 of Danielson, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Perreault’s major is Psychology.
Lauren Perry ’20 of Eastford, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Perry’s major is Biology.
Sean Perry ’18 of Eastford, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Perry’s major is Biochemistry.
Brooke Peyton ’19 of Pomfret Center, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Peyton’s major is Pre-Elementary Education and English.
Halie Poirier ’18 of Putnam, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Poirier’s major is Music.
Jolene Potter ’18 of Dayville, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Potter’s major is Psychology.
Leeann Rauls ’20 of Woodstock, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Rauls’s major is Biology.
Erik Rosati ’18 of Dayville, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Rosati’s major is Pre-Secondary Education Certification and History and Social Science.
James Rowley ’18 of Pomfret, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Rowley’s major is Pre-Secondary Education Certification and Mathematics.
Benjamin Rumrill ’18 of Pomfret Center, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Rumrill’s major is Biology.
Kayelyn Seiden ’17 of Danielson, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Seiden’s major is Pre-Early Childhood Education and Liberal Studies.
Tayler Shea ’20 of Danielson, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Shea’s major is Psychology.
Devin Stanley ’17 of Dayville, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Stanley’s major is History and Social Science.
Ryan Stocks ’17 of Putnam, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Stocks’s major is Labor Relations/Human Resource Management.
Meaghan Strange ’19 of Woodstock, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Strange’s major is Visual Arts and Music.
Erin Szela ’17 of Pomfret Center, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Szela’s major is Psychology and Criminology.
Mary Wishart ’20 of Pomfret Center, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Wishart’s major is Computer Science.
Nikolas Woznicki ’17 of Putnam, CT, was named to the Dean’s List. Woznicki’s major is Sociology.