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The Woodstock Academy robotics team at work. Courtesy photo.
WOODSTOCK — The Woodstock Academy Robotics Team took first place in the recent Connecticut Technology Engineering Education Association (CTEEA) SeaPerch Championship.
The Woodstock Academy’s team of Ely Driscoll, a sophomore from Eastford, and Nick Liu, a junior from China, took first place in the SeaPerch Obstacle Course. The team’s first place achievement qualifies them for the national SeaPerch competition at Georgia Institute of Technology.
Second place in the Obstacle Course was a tie between two other Woodstock Academy teams. Senior Jonathan Mustis from Eastford and Junior Christopher Cheney from Woodstock tied for second with Caitlin Cannon and Heidi Lotter, both Juniors from Woodstock. 
The Academy also sent a freshman team composed of David May from Pomfret, Aiden Anderson from Brooklyn, and Nathan Craig from Woodstock. Although the freshman team did not place, younger students on the team benefit from the early exposure to SeaPerch and robotics. 
Technology teacher and Robotics Club advisor at The Woodstock Academy, Peter Sumner, said “successful students apply the basics of engineering and design as well as scientific concepts and mathematical analysis.” SeaPerch is just one of many events that The Woodstock Academy Robotics Team competes in. Sumner said “By participating, students are able to learn about marine architecture, teamwork, electronics, tool safety, and the fundamentals of product design.”
SeaPerch is sponsored by The Office of Naval Research and managed by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International. The SeaPerch Program describes itself as “an innovative underwater robotics program that equips teachers and students with the resources they need to build an underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) in an in-school or out-of-school setting.”
Teams took their waterproof robots to the Plainville High School pool to face off in a series of challenges designed to test their skills. The Academy’s Robotics Team dominated in the obstacle course competition. 
Headmaster Christopher Sandford said he is “thrilled to see that students are not only engaged, but excelling in robotics programs at The Academy.”