The following charges were listed in the Putnam Police Department logs. The people charged are innocent until proven guilty in court. The Town Crier will publish dispositions of cases at the request of the accused. The dispositions must be accompanied by the proper documentation. The Putnam Police Department confidential Tip Line is 963-0000.
April 2
Michael Witter, 24, Brickyard road, Woodstock; speeding.
April 3
William Robinson, 43, Walnut Street, Putnam; second-degree failure to appear.
April 5
Stephanie Credit, 25, Marie Street, Plainfield; disorderly conduct, third-degree criminal mischief, second-degree assault, third-degree assault.
Pedro Prieto Jr., 19, Ravine Street, Putnam; traveling fast.
April 6
Erin Marie Simmons, 37, Center Street, Putnam; sixth-degree larceny.
April 7
Matthew Vonflatern, 22, Rt. 198, Woodstock; operating an unregistered motor vehicle.
April 13
Brianna Mayo, 21, Ledge Road, Dayville; failure to drive a reasonable distance apart.
April 14
Emily Bliven, 26, Providence Road, Sterling; operating under suspension.
April 15
Jacob Fullerton, 34, S. Shore Road, Killingly; operating under the influence, failure to drive right, traveling fast.
Chelsea Green, 32, Hartford Pike, Dayville; disorderly conduct, third-degree assault, interfering with an emergency call.