To commemorate The Arc Quinebaug Valley’s founding year, The 1952 Society recognized donors who have exceeded a contribution of $1,952 since April 2012. Left to right: Crystal Simonson, The Arc Community Outreach coordinator and Rotaract member; Jaclyn Thurlow, Rotaract secretary; Sue Desrosiers, The Arc executive director; Mallory Moreau, The Arc director of education & training and Rotaract president; and Andrew Morrison, Rotaract vice president. Courtesy photo.
To commemorate The Arc Quinebaug Valley’s founding year, The 1952 Society recognizes donors who have exceeded a contribution of $1,952 since April 2012.
May 5 The Arc Quinebaug Valley publicly presented new members being inducted into the 1952 Society with certificates and 1952 pins at the Annual Membership Meeting and Awards Night Celebration.
“Our agency appreciates the generosity of The 1952 Society. With their support, The Arc is able to thrive and provide a successful and bright future for the individuals we serve by continuously enhancing programs and services.” said Susan Desrosiers, The Arc Quinebaug Valley executive director.
Businesses and Foundations present at the celebration that were inducted into the 1952 Society included Charter
Oak Federal Credit Union, Jewett City Savings Bank Foundation, Inc. and Quinebaug Valley Regional Rotaract Club.
1952 Society members that were unable to attend the induction, included: Bailey’s Team for Autism, Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut, East Commerce Solutions, Inc., Dr. Roland Lupien, Thompson Lions Club, Weiss & Hale Financial and Westview Healthcare Center.