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The Connecticut State Council of the Knights of Columbus recently named the Cargill Council 64 2016 “Circle of Fun” Food Concession at St. Mary Church of the Visitation in Putnam as the best K of C Church Service Program in the state over the last year. Presenting the award was Connecticut District 23 Deputy Dr. William P. Macnamara III, right, to Cargill Council Grand Knight David G. Lamontagne Sr., center, and Circle of Fun Food Concession Chairman and Cargill Council Deputy Grand Knight Douglas W. Bergstrom. Bergstrom and his food service crew have already started preparing for this September’s event. Photo by John Ryan.
K of C wins
'best of' award
PUTNAM — With September just four months away, planning has already started on the award-winning food concession at this fall’s upcoming St. Mary’s Circle of Fun. Operated by the parish’s Knights of Columbus council, Cargill Council 64, in 2016 the Knights served approximately 2,000 meals and raised a net total of approximately $4,000 for the parish.
“We’re hoping to do even better this year,” said Circle of Fun Food Concession Chairman and Cargill Council Deputy Grand Knight Douglas W. Bergstrom, of Eastford. “We’re recruiting volunteers and planning the event right now. We’ll keep working through the summer, so we’ll be all set to go in September.”
The food concession crew is also taking time out to celebrate, because the Connecticut State Council of the Knights of Columbus recently named last year’s Cargill Council Circle of Fun Food Concession to be the best K of C Church Service Program in the state over the last year, from among the 193 local councils and more than 24,000 Knights in Connecticut.
With the 46th Annual Circle of Fun scheduled for the weekend of Sept. 15 to 17, the menu will include typical late-summer fare, including hamburgers, hot dogs, sausages and peppers, clam chowder, French fries and clam cakes.
Bergstrom said they still need volunteers to assist with the late-summer fund-raiser. To help, call (860) 208-9429 and leave a message.