DANIELSON — Fourteen Quinebaug Valley Community College students, as well as another four from Quinebaug Middle College, were recipients of the 10th annual Julius Sokenu Poetry Awards .
Poems in English
1st place, Taylor Lynn Copeland of Putnam, “Golden Hour, Charlestown Beach;” second, Yvonne Picard of Columbia, “One to One Hundred;’ third, Christina Haynes of Willimantic, “Shattered Self Doubt;” Best Performance, Andrew Cohen of Woodstock, “A Mourning of Nature;” Honorable mentions: Madison Abrams of Dayville, Legacy;” John Branham of Willimatic, “Twilit Moments;” James Christopher of Brooklyn, “The Storm Emotion-Ocean’” and Khelsi Evans of Norwich, “Equipped to Fail.”
Poems in Spanish (Heritage Speakers):
First, Jessica De Jesus of Columbia, “En busca de Libertad;” second, Sahireliz N. Rios Bravo of Willimantic, “Tierra;” third, Analia Correa of Danielson, “No quiero decir.”
Poems in Spanish (non-heritage speakers):
First, Taylor Lynn Copeland of Putnam, “En floracion;” second, Shelly Dumont of Moosup, “El Rompecabezas del Amor;” third, Peter Ujj of Cranston, R.I., “Confesion en Rimas Desonantes;” honorable mention, Annie Farrar of Canterbury, “Soldado Americano.”
Poems by Quinebaug Middle college Students:
First, Alexis Currier of Danielson, “wonderland ballroom;” second, Hazel billings-Chiu of Mansfield Center, “Who are You?”; third, Emmett Harnage of Norwich, “black and Blue;” honorable mentions, Anastasia Piligian of Putnam, “Love’s Poison,” and Jordan Knolhoff of Jewett City, Regret.”