WOODSTOCK — A free summer movie series open to the local community is set to begin at the Woodstock Academy Elizabeth S. Hyde Arts Center Auditorium. Titled Profiles in Color: Breaking Barriers, the series will focus on recent award-winning films that explore race relations in society, followed by a facilitated discussion.
The event is co-sponsored by the Board of Outreach of the First Congregational Church of Woodstock and Woodstock Academy Library. After each screening, a discussion will be led by members of the congregation who have been trained as Racial Justice Ministry Facilitators by the Connecticut Conference, United Church of Christ. Light refreshments.
The series kicks off at 6:30 p.m. June 29 with the screening of “Loving” (PG-13). The movie “traces the lives of Richard and Mildred Loving, as they fight for their right to marry and find themselves at the center of one of the most important Supreme Court cases of the ‘60s by virtue of falling in love, getting married and having children.” The facilitators for the first evening will be Lynn Davis and Charlene Swanson.
“Hidden Figures” (PG) will be screened at 6:30 p.m. July13. “Hidden Figures” tells the story of a talented group of young women of color who are instrumental in getting NASA off the ground. Discussion following the film will be led by Debby Kirk and Rev. Jocelyn Gardner Spencer.
“42: The Jackie Robinson Story” (PG-13) will be the final feature film, shown at 6:30 p.m. July 27. Amazon review states “42 is a poignant film that has some unexpectedly witty moments, and viewers can expect their emotions to run the gamut from shame, helplessness, and rage to the awakening of inspiration and empowerment to continue to effect change and eradicate discrimination... Watch it—and make sure to include your teenagers in the audience.” Katy Field and Katie Wells will lead the discussion.
“The Board of Outreach is committed to providing public opportunities for open and frank discussion of complex topics,” said Lynn Davis, Board of Outreach co-chair. The Rev. Jocelyn Gardner Spencer, pastor of First Congregational Church of Woodstock, said, “Because we believe that every person is made in God’s image, we hope to help our communities understand the ongoing role of race in our society, and to inspire one another to build a more just world for all God’s people. Please join us!”
A special thanks to Woodstock Academy Library for serving as host for this important series. All films are presented under public performance site license number: 87152-1.