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American Legion Post #13 of Putnam recently inducted its officers for the 2017-2018 year.  Left to right: Perry Caldwell, 4th District commander; Victor Kratz; Sean Hendricks; Charlie Leach; Roger Franklin; Marc Coderre Sr.; Eric Quinn; Brian Maynard; Alan Joslin; Ronald P. Coderre, commander; and Sean Connolly, Connecticut Commissioner of Veterans Affairs. Courtesy photo.
PUTNAM — The Mayotte-Viens American Legion Post #13 of Putnam conducted its installation of officers for 2017-2018 June 23. The evening also included the induction of officers for the Sons of American Legion Squadron as well as recognition of individuals from the Post and community for outstanding service.  
The induction ceremony of Post officers was administered by Connecticut Department of Veterans Affairs Commissioner Sean M. Connolly.  Ronald P. Coderre was installed for his third term as post commander.  American Legion 4th District Commander Perry Caldwell of Post #26 Stafford Springs was on hand for his first official visit to a District Post during his one-year tenure.
“It’s an honor to be selected by our members to serve another year as commander.  I’m looking forward to continuing the good works and programs that our members have done in the past decade.  We have a great group of men and women who work very closely together in all that we do,” said Coderre.
Officers include: Alan Joslin, senior vice commander; Brian Maynard Jr., vice commander; Eric Quinn, finance officer; Marc J. Coderre Sr., chaplain; Roger C. Franklin, adjutant; Charlie Leach, historian; Victor J. Kratz, sergeant-at-arms; Norman “Barney” Seney, service officer; and Sean Hendricks, judge advocate.
Commander Coderre administered the oath to the incoming team of officers of the Sons of American Legion.  The Squadron Commander is David Coderre Sr., vice commander; Earl Rosebrooks, adjutant/finance officer; Arthur Corey, junior vice commander/chaplain; William McKevily.  
“Our Post theme for this year is “Together for Veterans, Community and Country.  We’ll work closely as a Post with the new team of Squadron officers,” said Coderre.
In his remarks Coderre highlighted the goals for the coming year, which include increasing membership beyond 150, completing the ‘banner project’ that is currently underway, hosting incoming National Commander Denise H. Rohan in Putnam on her visit to Connecticut and involving the Post membership in a significant community project.
Outgoing Jr. Vice Commander Albert L. Cormier was honored as the Post’s Legionnaire of the Year.  Cormier, a longtime local educator, serves as the chairman of the Children and Youth Committee, overseeing the scholarship program, the oratorical contest, Americanism activities and Boys’ State selection.  He’s also active in programs for veterans and Post fund-raising activities.
Post milestone certificates were presented to members achieving five- and 10-year levels.  Recognition was accorded to three Putnam High School juniors, Scott Davagian Jr., Tyler Fitts and Justin Haynes who were selected to attend Boys’ State at Eastern Connecticut State University.
Zulma Montalvo, a veteran attending Quinebaug Valley Community College, and Jozzlynn Lewis, a Putnam High School graduating senior, were presented academic scholarships.  Pam Brown, who is retiring as the Veteran Services Coordinator at Quinebaug Valley Community College, and Linda Colangelo of Putnam were presented the Commander’s Award.  The two women were recognized for their support of veterans and Post #13 programs.  Putnam Police Chief Rick L. Hayes received the Post’s Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award for his dedication and work in making the Putnam Police Department one of Connecticut’s outstanding “community policing’ departments.
Arthur “Buster” Corey, long time Squadron Leader of Post #13 Sons of American Legion, and Post members Victor J. Kratz and Barbara Smith were honored for their service to the Post.
It was also noted that Post #13 will be honored at the upcoming Department of Connecticut convention in early July.  The Post has been selected to receive the Arthur E. Daly Plaque recognizing its work in all phases of its Americanism programs and the initiation of a Homeland Security program.  It will also receive the John N. Roberto Plaque presented to the Post that shows the greatest participation and work on promotion of Patriotic Observances and Americanism in schools, community.
American Legion Post #13 is composed of men and women veterans who have served in our country’s military during a time of war.  Post 13 meets at 7 p.m. on the second Monday of each month, with the exception of the months of July and August, in the conference room at Gerardi Insurance. For more info, call 860-928-6772.