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Rotary Club
golf results
PUTNAM — The results of the recent Putnam Rotary Club’s Ronald P. Coderre Golf Tournament include:
1st Gross: 60 Matching Cards Mike Meehan, Brendan Meehan, Peter Cooper, Rich Cieflok
2nd Gross: 60 George Amenabar, Jason Gerum, Scott Jendrow, Steve Keller
3rd Gross: 62 Greg Anderson, Ian Shippee, Paul Crider, Jay Dupont
1st NET: 45.41 George Lovell, Steve Keen, John Luginbuhl, Terry Bellman
2nd NET: 47.41 Jack Burke, MJ Burke, Dave Mulford, Steve Hegedus
3rd NET: 48.23 Doug Woodward, Jeff Ives, Chris Brock, Tyler Calbriese
Closest to PIN:
#4 Scott Johndrow - 6 feet 3 inches
#7 Kevin Lambert - 7 feet 8 inches
#9 Scott Johndrow  -Hole n One
#11 Tim Gosselin - 9 feet 4 inches
#15 Chuck Bentley -6 feet 10 inches
Poker Hand 
Brendan Meehan 5 Sevens 
#9 Hole in One George Anabar, Scott Johndrow, Jason Gerum, Steve Keller
#13 Eagle Jim Dandeneau, Brad Rabitor, Randy Schlegel, Frank Bosma.