The following charges were listed in the Putnam Police Department logs. The people charged are innocent until proven guilty in court. The Town Crier will publish dispositions of cases at the request of the accused. The dispositions must be accompanied by the proper documentation. The Putnam Police Department confidential Tip Line is 963-0000.
June 17
Joshua Labonte, 35, Church Street, Putnam; operating under the influence, failure to drive right.
Keith Racine, 54, Church Street, Putnam; sixth-degree larceny.
June 19
Andrew Brown, 23, Franklin Road, Danielson; operating under the influence.
Steven Gardner, 32, Quinebaug Road, Thompson; second-degree criminal trover, misuse of motor vehicle without permission.
June 22
Robert Contois, 43, Viens Street, Putnam; three counts of second-degree breach of peace, two counts of violation of a protective order, three counts of violation of a restraining order, second-degree harassment, third-degree criminal mischief.
June 23
Ezarick Key, 49, Mill Street, Putnam; two counts of violation of protective order.
June 25
John Rodio, 44, Rt. 198, Woodstock; speeding.
Justin Hersch, 23, Groton Long Place Road, Groton; speeding.
June 28
Jacob Desilets, 30, Hartford Road, Brooklyn; failure to carry insurance.
July 1
Louis Young, 24, Main Street, Danielson; possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, failure to have tail lights.
Edward Morotto, 55, Elm Street, W. Haven; violation of town ordinance.
Tyrone White, 51, Grand Avenue, New Haven; violation of town ordinance.
July 2
Alexa Findley, 24, Stony Acre Drive, Cranston, R.I.; possession of marijuana.
Jose Serrano-Morente, 22, Mill Street, Putnam; operating under the influence, failure to drive right.