Above: Niko Woznicki of the Putnam Recreation Dept. loads a boat to take wood out to the River Fire caldrons in the Quinebaug. Right: The new Rotary clock.
A member of the Putnam Festival Orchestra during Sophisticated Lady al Fresco event at the newly renovated Rotary Park (Scott Chaurette, conductor). Major sponsors included Putnam Bank and Wheelabrator Putnam Inc.
The Town of Putnam presented the Putnam Rotary Club an award for all the Rotary Park renovations the club funded, more than $25,000. Renovations included intense tree work, plantings, benches, an irrigation system, new crowd-tough grass, a clock and more. The club's Scott Pempek, right, accepts the award from Putnam Mayor Tony Falzarano. About 3,000 people attended the al Fresco event and the River Fire that followed.