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WOODSTOCK — The first day of school (half day) is Aug. 28 for Woodstock Elementary School and Woodstock Middle School.  
For Woodstock Academy new students begin Aug. 28 with a 11:32 a.m. dismissal and all students go a full day Aug. 29. 
Change in transportation requests allowing for consistent daycare must be submitted to the appropriate school no later than Aug. 22.  
Transportation forms are available on the school website ( or in both school offices.
Woodstock Public Schools’ bus routes may be accessed by parents through the following process: 
Go to
Select:  School Bus -  my child’s route
Select:  Connecticut
Click on Woodstock then Public
Enter your street number in the first box
Enter your street address AND zip code in the second box
If you have any questions regarding the bus schedule or need assistance, please contact Jerilyn Brunelle, Bus manager at 860-928-7453, Ext. 319.