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Day Kimball Medical Group pediatrics practice was recognized recently. Left to right: Jessica Goulart, LPN; Tammy Gervais, LPN; Barbara Reese, RN; and Loretta Rivera, DPH Health Program Assistant. Courtesy photo.
PUTNAM — The Day Kimball Medical Group pediatrics practice in Plainfield has been recognized by the CT Department of Public Health (DPH) with an award for achieving a 95 percent rate of immunization for the DPH’s latest statewide reporting period.
The award was given as part of the DPH’s Connecticut Immunization Registry and Tracking System (CIRTS) program. CIRTS, established in 1994, is a free statewide immunization registry established and maintained at the CT DPH to assure that children remain up to date with immunizations and that records of immunization are available when needed. This latest study period examined the percentage of children who were born in 2013 that were up to date on immunizations at age two.
Loretta Rivera, a health program assistant with DPH, presented the award to practice staff at the Day Kimball Healthcare Center in Plainfield on August 1. In accepting the award, staff commented that they attributed the ability to achieve a high rate of immunization to the physicians’ and nurses’ vigilance in ensuring kids are up to date with their vaccinations, and to open communication with parents as well as a comfortable relationship with the children.