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PUTNAM — Following a successful golf tournament in its initial attempt in 2016, the Mayotte-Viens American Legion Post #13 of Putnam is preparing for its second golf tournament, according to Post Commander Ronald P. Coderre.  The committee is looking to raise $10,000 following the initial tournament that netted $8000.
The tournament is scheduled for Sept. 24 at Connecticut National Golf Club.  Tee time is scheduled for 1 p.m. with participants being treated to the usual amenities and more.  The day includes hot dogs from noon to 1 p.m. followed by 18 holes of golf with cart. Following play all golfers and volunteers will be treated to a sit-down awards dinner and drawing.
The cost of play is $125 per golfer or $500 per foursome.  Major sponsorships are available at $1,000 and tee sponsorships are $100.  According to Coderre, the Post has acquired Major sponsorships from Gerardi Insurance, G-7 Catering and RPC Associates.
“We realize that there are many golf tournaments in our area.  We feel that our tournament has special significance as it’s run entirely by veterans who have served their country during war time,” said Coderre. 
The winning foursome will be presented the Commander’s Cup, which remains with the winners for one year.  The 2016 championship foursome, David Coderre, George Tsanjoures, Rick Dion and Tom Chenail are back and ready to defend their title. 
Since a major reorganization over the past decade, Post #13 has become an important part of the greater Putnam community.  The Post is an active member of the Putnam Business Association.  The group has also established two annual scholarships, one to a graduating student at Putnam High School and the other to a veteran at Quinebaug Valley Community College.  This year’s recipients were Jozzlynn Lewis of Putnam and QVCC veteran Zulma Montalvo.
The Post is also active in the Putnam schools, providing a five-week Americanism program in the Putnam Middle School.  In September Post veterans will participate in a reading program at the Putnam Elementary School.  The Color Guard is also active in the town’s patriotic observances, including the Memorial Day and Holiday Dazzle Light parades, Wreaths Across America, the Beirut remembrance, Flag Day, Veterans Day and the annual VJ Day Parade in Moosup.
Additionally the members were the prime movers in the flag display on the WWI Veterans Memorial Bridge on Pomfret Street and are preparing to unveil a banner project in September, honoring WWII and Korean war veterans.  The Post is also the primary sponsor of the TriTown American Legion Baseball Program.
“Our members are proud of the role they play in the community.  The golf tournament has become one of our most important fundraisers in assuring that we’ll be able to maintain the high level of community activities that have become a part of our community support,” said Coderre.
Anyone interested in participating or supporting the tournament is urged to call 860.928.6772, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact any member of the Post.
Members of the organizing committee included Post Adjutant Roger Franklin, Finance Officer Eric Quinn, Sr. Vice Commander Alan Joslin, Jr. Vice Commander Brian Maynard, Sgt.-at-Arms Victor Kratz, Chas MacKenzie, Past Commander Rick Carnahan, Historian Charlie Leach, Michael Vassar, and Sons of American Legion Sr. Vice Commander Earl Rosebrooks.  Post spouses Dee Carnahan, Jo-Anne Joslin and Donna Coderre are also committee members.