More rain,
snow is
for winter
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
Temperatures for the winter might be milder than normal, according to The Old Farmer's Almanac, but there will be no mistaking that it's winter as above-normal precipitation and snow are predicted.
Temperatures in November will be average 35 which is 4 degrees below average. For December the temperature will hover around 28 which is average. In January, temps will average 27 which is 4 degrees above average. February's temperatures will average 22 which is 1 degree below average.
For March the temperatures will average 39, 5 degrees above average. In April the temperature will average 47 which is 1 degree above average.
On the snow side, there are four snowstorms predicted.
November 22 through 26 a snowstorm is predicted. In December a snowstorm is predicted for the eighth through the 11th. Jan. 21 through 25, a snowstorm is predicted.
Feb. 5 through 12 will see a snowstorm, according to The Old Farmer's Almanac.
Snowy periods will be the second week of November, the first and last week of December, the first and last weeks of February,.
The Old Farmer's Almanac uses a secret formula to predict the weather.
The formula was devised by the founder of the almanac, Robert B. Thomas, in 1792. Part of the formula uses sunspots and state-of-the-art technology and modern scientific calculations. Almanac officials use "solar science, the study of sunspots and other solar activity, climatology, the study of prevailing weather patterns and meteorology, the study of the atmosphere. "