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DAYVILLE — Westview Health Care Center is sponsoring and supporting employee Sydney Meyers, physical therapist assistant, in her upcoming mission to Jamaica where she will join a team of professional rehabilitation therapists in providing basic training and therapy skills to the staff of Mustard Seed Communities orphanage. 
Meyers joins Therapy Missions, a non-profit organization devoted to teaching, treating and training individuals in impoverished communities who are rehabilitating those living with severe developmental and physical disabilities. 
She is a 2016 graduate of New England Institute of Technology where she received an associate degree in science and has been working at Westview since July 2016. “She said, “Having the chance to help educate others in advancing their abilities for providing much needed physical therapy services within their communities is an honor. I’m hoping that this trip will be the first of many.”
David T. Panteleakos, administrator, said: “Sydney’s commitment to the duty of social responsibility is highly regarded and supported here at Westview. Her dedication to the betterment and increased quality of life of others serves as an inspiration to those around her.” She left for her one-week trip to Mandeville, Jamaica, Sept. 30. For more info: