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Denise H. Rohan, the first female commander in the 99-year history of American Legion, stands on the WWI Veterans Memorial Bridge in Putnam. She visited the greater Putnam area last week. Courtesy photo.
Denise H. Rohan, the first female commander in the 99-year history of American Legion, met hundreds of Legionnaires and veterans during her recent visit to the greater Putnam area.  Courtesy photo.
The theme of her year as commander is “Family First,” emphasizing unity throughout the organization.
Following a visit and tour of the Nautilus Memorial in Groton Oct. 16, Rohan spent Oct. 17 the American Legion 4th District, which encompasses most of northeastern Connecticut.  She began her day with a visit to the Veterans Coffeehouse in Danielson, where she was enthusiastically greeted by more than 50 veterans.
“When you served your country the military was your family.  You always knew that someone had your back.  It’s incumbent on our American Legion family to care for the families of our veterans who are now deployed.  The American Legion is poised and ready to assist those individuals,” said Rohan.
She then traveled with her entourage, which included Department of Connecticut Adjutant Harry “Butch” Hansen, National Executive Committeeman Joe Jackson and Alternate Bob Murray, Sgt.-at-Arms Dennis Beauregard, her aide Michael Rohan and 4th District Commander Perry Caldwell, to WINY Radio in Putnam.  She was met at the station by a contingent of Legionnaires, which included members of the Post #13 Color Guard.
In Putnam she was greeted by Post #13 Commander Ronald P. Coderre.  Prior to entering the station, where she was on the Talk Show with host Gary “O”, she and those in attendance saluted the “colors” while Putnam resident Linda Colangelo sang the National Anthem.  At the start of the Talk Show, Putnam Mayor Tony Falzarano presented the National Commander with a proclamation from the Town of Putnam.  Commander Rohan was then escorted on a guided tour of downtown Putnam where she witnessed the flags on the WWI Veterans Memorial Bridge and the “Hometown Hero” banners on display throughout the community.  Prior to the tour, the group paused for photos on the bridge while Colangelo provided a special version of God Bless the USA. 
“Commander Rohan was very impressed by the work that Post #13 is doing in Putnam.  Her tour of the community and the area reassured her that the American Legion in the 4th District is living up to her theme of ‘Family First’,” said Post #13 Commander Coderre.
The next stop was a tour of the Putnam Ash Landfill.  Shen then drove by  Post #111 in Woodstock, Woodstock Academy and the historic “Pink House.”  She stopped at the Town Hall  to pay tribute to the monument memorializing the Connecticut men and women who have given their lives in defense of our country since the 9/11 terrorist attack.
Commander Rohan then headed to a luncheon at Post #67 in Thompson with a stop along the way at the West Thompson Dam where she was met by town historian Joseph Lindley and Catherine St. Andre.  She was welcomed to Post #67 by Commander Robert Lebeau and Thompson First Selectman Ken Beausoleil.
In the evening she was the guest of Post #26 of Stafford Springs for a light dinner.  She concluded her visit Oct. 18 at a formal dinner at Post #91 in Moosup, where she was warmly received by 120 Legionnaires.