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Woodstock public schools
Monday: Hot dogs, baked beans, fruit. Tuesday: Waffle sticks, hash browns, sausage, fruit. Wednesday: Popcorn chicken, mashed potatoes, waxed beans, fruit. Thursday: pasta meatballs, carrots, fruit. Friday: Pizza, spinach salad, fruit.
Putnam elementary/middle
Monday - Wolf Meal: Beef burgers, sherbet. Tuesday: Orange popcorn or chicken rice bowls. Wednesday - Holiday Feast: Roast turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, special cookie. Thursday: Grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup, carrots with hummus. Friday - half day: Putnam Special Pizza, salad.
Putnam High
Monday: Tostitos walking taco or spicy chicken sandwich. Tuesday: Crispy chicken tenders or bacon cheeseburgers. Wednesday: Cheese lasagna rollups or buffalo chicken wraps. Thursday: Cheesy BBQ beef Sloppy Joes or turkey Cobb salad. Friday - half day: Pizza or fish sandwiches.
Pomfret Community
Monday: Pizza sticks, marinara sauce, Italian green bean salad. Tuesday - Brunch for Lunch: French toast sticks, turkey sausages. Wednesday: Sloppy Joes, corn. Thursday: BBQ roasted chicken, three-bean salad. Friday: Meatball and cheese wrap sandwiches, cucumber wheels with ranch dip., carrots.