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'Almost Maine'
The Bradley Playhouse will present "Almost Maine" starting Jan. 19.  In rehearsal are Roy Simmons (Jimmy), Larissa Bailey (Waitress) and Sarah Hart (Sandrine). Photo courtesy of Chris Atwood.

PUTNAM — The new year is under way and the winter doldrums have set in with a vengeance.  Looking forward to Valentine’s Day, the Theatre of Northeastern Connecticut at the Bradley Playhouse on Front Street presents John Cariani’s collection of tales about love, “Almost, Maine,” which opens Jan. 19 and runs for three weekends. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 19, 20, 26, 27 and Feb. 2, 3 and at 2 p.m. Jan. 21, 28 and Feb. 4. Tickets are $20 for adults and $16 for seniors and students.  All seats are reserved. Reservations may be made with a major credit card online at or at 860-928-7887. Tickets may be purchased at the theater box office, either before the performance or at the door. Purchasing your tickets ahead of time is recommended.
The TNECT production of  “Almost, Maine” is directed by Kathy Parker with assistant director Natasha Darius. The actors are:  Zach Scovish, Age Anderson, J. Matthew Bailey, Melissa Dakai, Roy Simmons, Sarah Hart, Larissa Bailey, Laura Jedynasty, Lucas Pereira, Brittany Miskell, Michael Pray, Dave Carter, Kyle Rictor, Jonathan Demers, Wendy Harris, Sharon Starr, Vincent A. Chaisson, Melissa Beausoleil, Corey Groh.
“Almost, Maine,” which premiered in Portland, Maine, in 2004, presents nine sweet, poignant and witty stories about the hazards encountered in the pursuit of love. They all take place on one deeply cold and magical Midwinter Night, propelled by the mystical energy of the aurora borealis. The residents of this mythical town are humorous, plain-spoken and sincere and their stories, like love itself, will surprise you.