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Wed. Feb. 21
POMFRET --- The Connecticut Audubon Society at Pomfret Center will present "Trail Wood Reflections: Writer & Artist In-Residence Exhibit" through Feb. 25 at the Grassland Bird Conservation Center on Day Road.  860-928-4948.
N. GROSVENORDALE --- The Friends of the Library will present Art @ the Library, “Watercolors by Adolph Rutkin” from Feb. 1 through Feb. 28 at the Thompson Public Library. The opening reception will be from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Feb. 1.

Art Exhibit
PUTNAM --- "Motion and Gesture," an exhibit of Pomfret School student artwork, will be on view through Feb. 25 at the Pomfret Galley (off campus) at 134 Main St. (Bosworth Block Building - second floor).

Thur. Feb. 22
Trivia Challenge
PUTNAM --- The Putnam Lions Club will present a fund-raiser Trivia Challenge at 7 p.m. at the Crossings Restaurant. Free. Benefits diabetes education.

DANIELSON --- On Cue: Culture and Conversations at Quinebaug Valley Community College will host the Core Ensemble’s performance of  “Of Ebony Embers: Vignettes of the Harlem Renaissance” at 12:30 p.m. in the Robert E. Miller Auditorium for Black History Month. All welcome. Free.

Fri. Feb. 23
POMFRET --- Pomfret School will present "Footloose," the winter musical at 7 p.m. Feb. 23 and 24 and at 2 p.m. Feb. 25 at the Hard Auditorium.

'Glass Menagerie'
PUTNAM --- The Theatre of Northeastern Connecticut at the Bradley Playhouse will present "The Glass Menagerie" at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 23, 24, and March 2 and 3 and at 2 p.m. Feb. 25 and March 4. $20 for adults; $16 for seniors and students. 860-928-7887.

Sat. Feb. 24
Nature Program
POMFRET --- The Connecticut Audubon Society of Pomfret Center will present “Nature Sketchbook Journaling” from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Grassland Bird Conservation Center on Day Road. $10 for CAS members; $20 nonmembers. 860-928-4948.

Empty Bowls
POMFRET --- Pomfret School will present Empty Bowls, a soup tasting to benefit local food banks, at 5 p.m. at the Main House.

PUTNAM --- The Putnam Baptist church on Church Street will present a FASCAR event at 1 p.m. Fun, snacks and prizes. The FASCAR event is an exciting, fun-filled evangelical event geared to children in grades 1 to 6 but open to all.   The racing event uses Matchbox or Hot Wheel cars on a 6 lane wooden track.  Racers can bring their own cars or one can be provided to them at the event.  Using an electric eye at the end of the track, speeds are recorded to the thousandths of a second.  The results are tracked by computer and displayed on a large screen so everyone can see who is racing next and what the scores are.  860-928-0273 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

'Glass Menagerie'
PUTNAM --- The Theatre of Northeastern Connecticut at the Bradley Playhouse will present "The Glass Menagerie" at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 24, and March 2 and 3 and at 2 p.m. Feb. 25 and March 4. $20 for adults; $16 for seniors and students. 860-928-7887.

Sun. Feb. 25
Nature Program
POMFRET --- The Connecticut Audubon Society of Pomfret Center will kick off  “Trail Wood Reflections: Writer & Artist In-Residence Exhibit” with a closing reception and readings at the center from 2 to 4 p.m. Free. 860-928-4948.

Wedding Expo
THOMPSON --- The WINY Wedding Expo 2018 will be held at the Raceway Restaurant. Doors open at noon.  Free admission. Register in advance by calling 860-928-1350.

'Glass Menagerie'
PUTNAM --- The Theatre of Northeastern Connecticut at the Bradley Playhouse will present "The Glass Menagerie" at 7:30 p.m. March 2 and 3 and at 2 p.m. Feb. 25 and March 4. $20 for adults; $16 for seniors and students. 860-928-7887.

Mon. Feb. 26
Exercise Group
WOODSTOCK --- The Woodstock Senior Exercise Group will meet from 9 to 10 a.m. every Monday and Wednesday in the Woodstock Town Hall lower level meeting room. Minimum fee. Local seniors welcome.  860-315-5175.

Film Series
POMFRET --- The Connecticut Audubon Society of Pomfret Center and the town of Pomfret Green Team will present “Generation Zapped” at 6:30 p.m. (snow date: Feb. 27)  at the Grassland Bird Conservation Center on Day Road. $5. 860-928-4948.

Blood Drive
DANIELSON --- The American Red Cross will hold a blood drive from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Quinebaug Valley Community College on Upper Maple Street. 1-800-RED-CROSS.

Tues. Feb. 27
Blood Drive
DANIELSON --- The American Red Cross will hold a blood drive from 1 to 6 p.m. at Westfield Congregational Church on Main Street. 1-800-RED CROSS.

Wed. Feb. 28
Blood Drive
BROOKLYN --- The American Red Cross will hold a blood drive from 1:30 to 6 p.m. at Brooklyn Middle School on Gorman Road. 1-800-RED-CROSS.

Blood Drive
PUTNAM --- The American Red Cross will hold a blood drive from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Putnam Elks Club on Edmond Street. 1-800-RED CROSS.

Budget Event
DANIELSON --- The Windham/Tolland Retired Teacher Association will host a budget information event at 3:45 p.m. at Quinebaug Valley Community College. Local legislators are expected to participate.

Fri. March 2
Teen Weekend
POMFRET --- The Windham Tolland 4-H camp on Taft Pond Road will hold its Spring Teen Weekend March 2 through 4. For teens 13 – 18. $50.  Preregistration required by Feb. 23.  Call 860-974-3379 to register or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Blood Drive
DAYVILLE --- The American Red Cross will hold a blood drive from noon to 5 p.m. at the Dayville Fire Company 63 on Hartford Pike. 1-800-RED-CROSS.

Sat. March 3
Day of Prayer
DANIELSON --- The World Day of Prayer, highlighting Suriname's history and cultural diversity, will be held starting at noon with a Suriname luncheon, service to follow at the United Methodist Church of Danielson. Sponsored by the Killingly-Brooklyn Interfaith Council.

Sun March 4
DANIELSON --- The World Day of Prayer, "Am I Being Unfair to You?" highlighting economic justice and human rights issues of women in the Philippines; will be presented at United Methodist Church of Danielson; Philippine luncheon at noon, followed by service.  Sponsored by the Killingly-Brooklyn Interfaith Council.

Mon. March 5
Garden Program
S. WOODSTOCK --- The Quiet Corner Garden Club will present “Native Shade Plants” by Linda Kaplan at 7 p.m. at the South Woodstock Baptist Church. www.

Sat. March 10
Benefit Dinner
PUTNAM --- Putnam Ford Inc. will sponsor its 20th annual Spaghetti Dinner/Dance to benefit the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life at the K of C on Rt. 12, N. Grosvenordale. Cocktails at 6; dinner at 7. $25 donation. Limited seating 860-928-2731.

Comedy Fund-raiser
PUTNAM --- The Woodstock Academy Project Graduation will present Funny 4 Fund$.com at St. Mary’s Church. The doors open at 7 and the show starts at 8. Light snacks provided or bring your own. Beverages for sale. Drawings. $20. For tickets contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Sun. March 11
Church Program
E. WOODSTOCK --- The East Woodstock Congregational Church will present a program, “From Meeting House to Church: The Evolution of Early New England Religious Structures,” by Myron Stachiw at noon. The church is planning to restore the four original monumental Tuscan order columns. Donations welcome: EWCC-Column Restoration project, EWCC, P.O. Box 156, East Woodstock, CT 06244.
