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‘Glass Menagerie’
The Bradley Playhouse will present “The glass Menagerie” starting Feb. 23. In rehearsal Julianne McGourty plays Laura and Michael Pray plays Jim. Courtesy photo.

PUTNAM — The Theatre of Northeastern Connecticut at the Bradley Playhouse continues its 2018 season with ‘The Glass Menagerie,” Tennessee Williams’ semi-autobiographical masterpiece of memory, home and family. The show opens Feb. 23 and runs for two weekends.
Performances are at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 23, 24 and March 2 and 3 and at 2 p.m. Feb. 25 and March 4. Tickets are $20 for adults and $16 for seniors and students. All seats are reserved. Reservations may be made with a major credit card online at or by calling 860-928-7887. Tickets may be purchased at the theater box office, either before the performance or at the door. Purchasing your tickets ahead of time is recommended.
The TNECT production of The Glass Menagerie is directed by Kathleen Atwood.  Diane Pollard plays Amanda, the faded southern belle who is raising her children in poverty after being abandoned by her husband, who worked for the telephone company and “fell in love with long distance”. Son Tom, portrayed by Sean Gardell, works to support the family while dreaming of being a writer. Julianne McGourty appears as Laura, the physically challenged daughter, who lives in her own world symbolized by her collection of glass figurines. Jim, a high school acquaintance who works with Tom, is played by Michael Pray. He becomes Laura’s “gentleman caller” when Tom invites him to their home.
Tennessee Williams is considered by many to be one of the leading playwright of post World War II America. His other well-known plays include A Streetcar Named Desire, Summer and Smoke and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
The Glass Menagerie is thought to have strong autobiographical elements, drawing on Williams’ memories of his youth, his mother and mentally fragile sister. At times there is a sense of unreality, much like many of our memories. In fact, son Tom, who is also the narrator, cautions the audience that what they are seeing may not be precisely what happened.