Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Zoning Board
of Appeals
The Town of Putnam Zoning Board of Appeals held a meeting on February 14, 2018, at 7:00 P.M. at the Putnam Town Hall located at 126 Church Street, Putnam, CT. The public hearing on the following was continued to March 14, 2018, at 7:00 P.M. at the Putnam Town Hall.
Appeal # 2018-001: Route 44 Realty LLC — Request for a Certificate of Approval of Location for a proposed 3000 S.F. addition for property located at 157 Providence Pike, Town Assessor’s Map 27, Lot 25. Zoned HC.
Joseph Nash,
March 1, 2018
Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Zoning Commission
The Town of Putnam Zoning Commission held a meeting on February 21, 2018, at 7:00 P.M. at the Putnam Town Hall located at 126 Church Street, Putnam, CT. The following action was taken:
Docket # 2018-03: Charles H. Puffer — Request for a text amendment to Section 304 of the Town of Putnam Zoning Regulations Schedule of Uses and Districts in an Industrial zone. The applicant seeks a change in the regulation to permit motel/hotel with a conference space use in an Industrial Zone on lots containing five or more acres by Special Permit. APPROVED
Patricia Hedenberg,
March 1, 2018
Legal Notice
Town of Pomfret
Notice is hereby given that a certified copy of the audit of the Pomfret Fire District for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2017, prepared by Daniel R. Santos, CPA, LLC, 179B Hartford Pike, Dayville, Connecticut 06241, was filed in the Office of the Town Clerk of Pomfret on January 10, 2018. In compliance with the requirements of section 7-394 of the Connecticut Statutes, said audit is on file for public inspection in said office at Five Haven Road, Pomfret Center, Connecticut.
Dated at Pomfret,
This 21st day
of February, 2018
Cheryl A. Grist,
Town Clerk of Pomfret
March 1, 2018
Legal Notice
Town of Pomfret
Notice is hereby given that a certified copy of the audit of the Town of Pomfret for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2017, prepared by O’Connell, Pace & Company, P.C., 609 Farmington Avenue, Suite 201, Hartford, Connecticut 06105-3063, was filed in the Office of the Town Clerk of Pomfret on February 21, 2018. In compliance with the requirements of section 7-394 of the Connecticut Statutes, said audit is on file for public inspection in said office at Five Haven Road, Pomfret Center, Connecticut.
Dated at Pomfret, Connecticut
This 21st day
of February, 2018
Cheryl A. Grist,
Town Clerk
Town of Pomfret
March 1, 2018