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The following charges were listed in the Putnam Police Department logs.  The people charged are innocent until proven guilty in court. The Town Crier will publish dispositions of cases at the request of the accused. The dispositions must be accompanied by the proper documentation. The Putnam Police Department confidential Tip Line is 963-0000.
Feb. 23
Naomi Hyrzan, 39, Battey Street, Putnam; disorderly conduct.
Feb. 24
Amanda Catlin, 40, S. Main Street, Putnam; operating under the influence, traveling too fast.
Feb. 25
Kyle Pasquerella, 25, Cherry Hill Road, Pomfret Center; operating an unregistered motor vehicle.
Robert Kellner, 35, Green Street, Putnam; failure to have rear registration illuminated.
Feb. 26
Richard Calderone, 42, Woodstock Avenue, Putnam; disorderly conduct, second-degree threatening.
Feb. 27
Gary Lalumiere, 34, Maple Street, Putnam; second-degree threatening, third-degree assault, disorderly conduct, second-degree unlawful restraint.
William Macri, 30, Florence Street, Putnam; two counts of violation of probation.
Feb. 28
Julie Lang, 38, Woodstock Avenue, Putnam; third-degree assault, risk of injury to a minor.
March 1
Buddy Hachey, 28, Farrow Street, Putnam; disorderly conduct.
March 4
Tyler Angell, 23, Darby Road, Brooklyn; operating under suspension, traveling unreasonably fast.