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Mountain bikers
set list of rides
The Quiet Corner NEMBA chapter has set its weekly rides for the season. NEMBA is a non-profit recreational trails advocacy organization for mountain bikers. For information go to:
Rides include:
Mellow Mondays
Located at Goodwin State Forest in Hampton, this ride happens every Monday at 6 p.m. It is an easy paced, no drop ride designed for those who want a recovery ride or want a slower paced ride.  Novice riders are always welcome!  We will break into groups according to ability and pace.
Wednesday Women’s Ride
This is a women’s ONLY ride focused on fun, friendships, mentoring, learning, sharing and encouragement. The ride happens every Wednesday at 6 p.m. It is a no drop ride geared toward intermediate and up level riders. The location of the ride will vary.
Wed. “Camel” Ride (starts May 16)
Join us on “hump day” with an after-work tour of Old Furnace State Park in Killingly every Wednesday at 6 p.m. This ride is intended to challenge technical skills and gain mid-week mileage. Advanced intermediate riders will tackle 8-10 technical miles with ~1,000+ft of climbing.
Saturday Morning Special
This ride is designed to be 15-20 miles of mixed terrain and a consistent intermediate+ pace for more advanced level riders, although it is also a no drop ride. The ride usually starts at 9 a.m.every Saturday and locations vary.
Weekend Warrior Ride
Offered on Sunday mornings (occasionally Saturday), this ride is usually a technical ride for intermediate level and up. It is designed for those looking to have fun, stretch their skills and learn from each other. The group will stop to play on skinnies, drops and other features along the way. Starting time and locations vary