WOODSTOCK — At the annual Class Night program for Woodstock Academy Seniors, graduates were honored with more than 190 awards and scholarships. Generous community partners contributed to more than $110,000 awarded to Woodstock Academy students.
Margaret McLoughlin, class president, welcomed guests and William Schad, class treasurer, presented the senior class gift of remodeling a classroom in the historic Academy building.
2018 scholarships and awards:
Tristan Anderson: Outstanding Achievement in Aerospace Engineering; Jessica Anderson: Outstanding Achievement in Family Foods and Nutrition, Outstanding Achievement in Psychology; Abbygayle Anderson: Wiltsie Most Improved in Science Award; Mary-Margaret Andrulot: Outstanding Achievement in 3D Animation & Design, Outstanding Achievement in Wood Technology, Helen Plassmann Memorial Scholarship; Haley Armstrong: Charles Cournoyer Memorial Scholarship, Putnam Rotary Scholarship; Madison Bazinet: Four-Year Perfect Attendance Award; Seth Benoit: High Achievement in Wood Technology; Julia Bibeault: Douglas Foisy Memorial Scholarship, Karen’s Cause Scholarship, Putnam Rotary Scholarship, Woodstock Agricultural Society Ray Donnelly Memorial Scholarship; Luke Bourque: Pomfret Lion’s Club; Skylar Brousseau: Outstanding Senior Artist; Shane Bushey: Outstanding Achievement in Italian III; Caitlin Cannon: Outstanding Achievement in Latin V Honors; Haley Carr: Douglas Foisy Memorial Scholarship; Gabrielle Cavagnet: Charles Cournoyer Memorial Scholarship; Brendan Chapuis: Outstanding Achievement in Mandarin IV Honors, Senior Video Contest-Best Technical Execution, Williams Scholarship Yale Honor Cup, Woodstock Agricultural Society Scholarship; Zhiqing Chen: High Achievement in AP Calculus AB, Outstanding Achievement in ECE Calculus; Christopher Cheney: Outstanding Achievement in Computer Science, Outstanding achievement in Military History, Putnam #46 Ancient Free & Accepted Masons Educational Award; Zeenat Choudhry: Senexet Grange John F. Duffy Memorial Scholarship, Woodstock Agricultural Society Scholarship; Julia Christensen: John Conover Memorial Scholarship; Trinity Clark: Nancy Brush Memorial Award; Jacob Cloutier: High Achievement in Game Design; Dani Collins: Outstanding Achievement in Architectural Design; Daniel Cremé: American Legion Oratorical Speech (Local Post 111); Natalie Crose: Community Foundation of Eastern CT Shirley Bradway Serafin Scholarship; Samantha Cudworth: Martha Paul Memorial Scholarship, Edward “Bud” Rondeau Memorial Scholarship; Courtney Dehler: Outstanding Achievement in The Developing Child; Colleen Deskus: Outstanding Achievement in Infancy & Prenatal Development; Isabelle DuBois: High Achievement in Pastry & Baking; Abigail Dustin: Louise P. Jordan Memorial Outstanding Female Vocalist Award, David W. Marsland Memorial Scholarship, Outstanding Achievement in AP US History, Outstanding Artist of the Year, Woodstock Academy Music Parents Association Scholarship, Williams Scholarship Academic Scholarship; Caroline Eaton: Union School Association John Geissler & Jerry Baggish Memorial Scholarship, Quinnatisset Ladies League Golf Scholarship; Griffin Edwards Dennis S. Barlow Memorial Scholarship, Emil Vaida Memorial Scholarship, Edith Wheaton Smith Memorial Scholarship, Eleanor K. Lewis Memorial Scholarship, Esther & Lucie Harmon & Leta Sabin Trepal Memorial Scholarship, Town of Eastford Scholarship, Congressional Certificate of Merit, Susan Dorrance Gordon Scholarship- Outstanding Math Student, Telegram & Gazette Student Achievement Award, Williams Scholarship (Robertson Essay) 2nd Place, Williams Scholarship Academic Scholarship; Zachary Ellsworth: University of Maine Academic Achievement Scholarship; Elizabeth Everson: Outstanding Achievement in Individual & Family Development; Nathan Fontaine: Laskey Memorial Scholarship, Gerry Suprenant Memorial Scholarship, Woodstock Academy Music Parents Association Scholarship, Woodstock Lions Club Scholarship; Lily French: Outstanding Achievement in German III; Harrison Frost: Outstanding achievement in Special Explorations in Woodworking; William Gajewski: Outstanding Achievement in German IV Honors; Cassandra Gallant: Putnam #46 Ancient Free & Accepted Masons Educational Marvin Barrett Award, Putnam Rotary Scholarship; Wanjiru Gatheru: The Woodstock Academy Ambassador Award; Felix C. Gould: Donald B. Williams & Hope K. Williams Scholarship (Robertson Essay) 1st Place; Corinne Guli: High Achievement in Culinary Arts; Nora Guszkowski: Outstanding Achievement in AP European History, Outstanding Achievement in History, Robert E. Glenn Scholarship, Rodensky Abraham & Evelyn Rodensky Memorial Award for Excellence in Writing, Williams Scholarship Yale Honor Cup; Carson Hadley: Outstanding Male Instrumentalist; Emily Hamill: Accounting Award, William Hamill Elias Farquhar Memorial Scholarship; Casidhe Hoyt: Shirley Bradway Serafin Scholarship, Marvin N. & Susan Weed Sherman Memorial Scholarship; Connor Huda: Union School Association John Geissler & Jerry Baggish Memorial Scholarship, Eleanor Peterson Lawton Memorial Scholarship; Thayne Hutchins: Head of School Award - 2017/18 School Year, Outstanding Achievement in Exploring Multimedia, Natalie & Robert W. Randall Memorial Award; Denali Johns: Woodstock Agricultural Society Scholarship, Woodstock Education Foundation Director’s Award; Eden Law: Steve Bousquet Memorial Golf Scholarship, Charter Oak Federal Credit Union Community Scholarship, Cumberland Farms Believe and Achieve Scholarship, Putnam Rotary Scholarship, Quinebaug Valley Regional Rotaract Club, Woodstock Agricultural Society Scholarship; Jared Law: Woodstock Agricultural Society Scholarship; Abigail Lefemine: Union School Association John Geissler & Jerry Baggish Memorial Scholarship; Heidi Lotter: Outstanding Achievement in Early Childhood Education; Jared MacDonald: Linemaster Switch Business Scholarship; Steven Madenjian: Louise P. Jordan Memorial Outstanding Male Vocalist Award, William L. Parkerton Memorial Award, Woodstock Academy Music Parents Association Scholarship; Jacob Mainhart: High Achievement in Engineering CAD, High Achievement in Wood Technology; Hannah Matsas: Outstanding Achievement in Spanish VI Honors; Margaret McLoughlin: Charles, Millicent & Richard Noren Memorial Scholarship; Ciri Miller: Arlene Bradley Memorial Science Award, High Achievement in ECE Calculus, Outstanding Achievement in AP Calculus AB, Outstanding Achievement in English IV, Outstanding Female Instrumentalist, Senexet Grange John F. Duffy Memorial Scholarship, The UCONN Award, Woodstock Academy Music Parents Association Scholarship, Woodstock Agricultural Society Preston T. Roberts Memorial Scholarship; Ryan Miller: Outstanding Achievement in Game Design; Molly Millix: Outstanding Achievement in Family & Consumer Sciences; Kiara Monahan: Putnam Rotary Scholarship; Anna Murphy: Dr. David Bates/Dr. Rudolph Klare Memorial Scholarship, Luke Leaders Scholarship, National Honor Society Scholarship, Putnam Rotary Scholarship, The Town of Woodstock College Campus Dormitory Fire and Life Safety Scholarship, Woodstock Agricultural Society Henry Dunleavy Memorial Scholarship, Woodstock Lions Club Scholarship, Young American Award; Stephanie Nielson: University of Maine Academic Achievement Scholarship; Kaleb O’Donnell: High Achievement in 3D Animation & Design; Leah Randolph: National Honor Society Scholarship, Senexet Grange John F. Duffy Memorial Scholarship; Erin Raymond: Williams Scholarship (Robertson Essay) 3rd Place; Gabriel Records: Kenneth Beatson Award, Golden Hammer Award; Joshua Resnick: Christopher Bradley Christopher Memorial Scholarship, Karen’s Cause Scholarship; Hannah Reynolds: Michael Wlaszkiewicz Memorial Award; Kristina Rice: Outstanding Achievement in Culinary Arts; Stephanie Roy: Douglas Foisy Memorial Scholarship; Ashley Roy: National Honor Society Scholarship; Madison Rzeznikiewicz: American Legion of Enfield Scholarship; William Schad: August Walter “Gus” Loos Memorial Scholarship, Outstanding 4-Year Achievement in History & Social Sciences; Hailey Schofield: Kristina Noe Memorial Scholarship, Outstanding Achievement in Environmental Science; Samantha Sheldon: Robert L. Howard, Jr. Scholarship, Hannah Green Memorial Scholarship, Head of School Award - 2017/18 School Year, The UCONN Award, Woodstock Agricultural Society Fran Stevens Award; Ian Sohan: American Legion Americanism Award, Outstanding Achievement in Engineering CAD; Corey Stanley: Tri-M Award; Maeve Stevenson: Putnam Rotary Scholarship; Sophia Stoll: Outstanding Achievement in Latin IV Honors; Hannah Walley: American Legion Americanism Award, Most Deserving Senior Girl Ingraham/Parkerton Award, Outstanding Achievement in Innovative Technology, QRS Compassion Scholarship, Senexet Grange John F. Duffy Memorial Scholarship, TEEG Scholarship, Woodstock Academy Alumni Scholarship, Woodstock Lions Club Scholarship; Huanran Wang: Outstanding Achievement in German I; Jacob Webber: Susan Dorrance Gordon Latin Prize, UConn Academic Excellence Scholarship; Dongchang Wei: Outstanding Achievement in Personal Finance; Dongxing Wei: Senior Video Contest - Best Script; Breana Weidele: High Achievement in Pastry & Baking, Woodstock Academy Music Parents Association Scholarship; Ethan Werstler: Charles Couture Memorial Award, Bethany T. Dauray Memorial Scholarship, Most Deserving Senior Boy - Nelson Morse Memorial Award, Outstanding Achievement in International Relations, The Woodstock Academy Ambassador Award; Chelsea Wise: Outstanding Achievement in Spanish IV Honors; Jamie Woods: Charlton Youth Basketball Scholarship; Michele Wysocki; High Achievement in Culinary Arts; Zachary Zavorskas: Prone Family Foundation Scholarship.