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Members of the Putnam Elks held a Steak Dinner Fund-raiser in honor of longtime, loved and respected member of their lodge, Ron Morin, who is battling cancer.  In the spirit of Elkdom, it is Ron’s wish that the proceeds benefit the community.   His charity of choice was the Empty Bowl Project, a fund-raiser hosted and coordinated by the Congregational Church of Putnam and Sawmill Pottery.  The Empty Bowl Project benefits the IHSP Daily Bread Food Pantry.  The Putnam Elks presented a check for $1,325 to IHSP. Left to right: Diane Robinson, PER secretary; Bill Normington, PER chaplain; Karen Osbrey, president, Interfaith Human Services of Putnam (Daily Bread); Ron Morin; Elizabeth Santerre, Inner Guard; Kathi Peterson, secretary/treasurer IHSP; Brenda Miller, Leading Knight; Kimberly Simmons, Exalted Ruler; Billy Salvas, Trustee; Rich DiBonaventura, Trustee; Bill Poirier, Esteemed Lecturing Knight; Walt Napierata, PER, Trustee. Courtesy photo.