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Donation to Arc
DANIELSON — The Arc Quinebaug Valley announced that Electric Boat Employees’ Community Services Association donated $4,500 to help purchase Chromebooks for The Arc’s Electronic Record System being implemented at the agency.
This system will improve the quality of service within day programs, assisted living facilities and the agency as a whole, which provides supports to those with disabilities. The electronic documentation system cannot be used without the proper technology hardware; therefore, purchasing Chromebooks to be used with this system is a necessity for The Arc.
“Chromebooks will allow our staff to utilize this system at any place throughout the day, and at any time, as they are easily transportable. This system will also allow daily communication and reporting between our direct support staff, administrators, case managers, and will ultimately create seamless documentation with regards to yearly audits, which in turn helps the people we support. We appreciate the continued support and kindness we receive from Electric Boat!” said Susan Desrosiers, executive director of The Arc Quinebaug Valley.