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Putnam Police Patrol Officer Dana Peloso with the pink fund-raiser items for sale. Linda Lemmon photo.
Pink Patch
raising $$
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM --- "Not one of us has not had some sort of impact from cancer," said Putnam Patrol Officer Dana Peloso.
He initiated a Pink Patch Project fund-raiser in Putnam to fight breast cancer.
More than 300 police departments are doing the Pink Patch Project in the U.S. and Putnam is one of only a few doing the project in New England. He is helping other police departments get their Pink Patch Projects off the ground.
Peloso, who grew up in Plainfield, joined the Putnam Police Department in October 2016.
He said that historically he has ridden his bike in the Pan Mass Challenge fund-raiser for Dana Farber, last year riding the entire 192-mile route. In the years he rode in the Pan Mass Challenge he raised $13,000-$14,000. "I sat out this year but I still wanted to do my part so I wanted to do this. I wanted to do something," he said. Peloso reached out to a sergeant in California with experience in the project and launched Putnam's Pink Patch Project.
The project is designed to raise money and awareness, he said. Putnam's project will focus solely for breast cancer but may expand in later years. He plans to deck out an old cruise in pink with sponsors. In addition he said a number of officers will be wearing pink-accented uniforms for the month of October while on patrol to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer.
To raise money to fight breast cancer, the department is selling pink patches for $10, stickers for $5; challenge coins (limited edition each year) for $15; and T-shirts for $20. Peloso suggests coming to the police station to get the patches and such or reaching out to the department on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
There will also be a "Night of Music, Food, and Giving" at 6 p.m. Sept. 14 at 85 Main. The fund-raiser tickets are $40 per person or $70 per couple and that includes heavy appetizers, cash bar and music by Elle-Jordyn Goslin. RSVP by Sept. 7 to
Sponsorships from businesses can go from $5 to $5,000 --- "whatever you can do," said Peloso.
The fund-raiser items , the event Sept. 14, sponsorships from businesses and sponsorships on the "decked out in pink" old cruiser will go toward the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Day Kimball Cancer Center, Peloso said.
Those who wish to send individual donations may mail a check made out to Putnam Pink Patch to the Putnam Police Department, 189 Church St., Putnam CT 06260. There is no deadline. Donations made after the presentation of this year's funds raised will be put into the pot for next year's fund-raising.
Peloso said he wants to raise "as much as we can. It's only the department's first year, but I'm confident we can raise $5,000 or more," he said. "I hope to be blown away," he added.
And Peloso said "Whatever we raise this year, I plan to double it next year. "